Sporty’s Eastern Cincinnati Aviation Expands Aircraft Sales

Eastern Cincinnati Aviation, the FBO affiliate of Sporty’s Pilot Shop, is now an authorized sales center for American Legend Cubs. Moreover, Eastern Cincinnati Aviation is also a sales and service center for Robinson Helicopters.

Sporty’s Courses Ease the Transition

Sporty’s has updated and expanded its online video training catalog to include four new aircraft transition courses including So You Want to Fly Twins; So You Want to Fly Helicopters; So You Want to Fly Gliders; and So You Want to Fly Seaplanes.

Sporty’s Welcomes You on May 16, 2015

Sporty’s Annual Fly In will be held on Saturday, May 16, 2015, where the welcome mat will be prominent for both local and transient pilots. Exhibits, seminars and display aircraft are all part of this annual event.

Be Your Own Best Flight Instructor with Sporty’s IPC and Flight Review Apps

With the one-two punch of Sporty’s apps, you will have no worries when it comes to your next flight review. Using a visual menu system, the Instrument Proficiency Check app is divided into six subject areas and 27 individual video segments. Based on Sporty’s award-winning Instrument Rating Course, the IPC app contains more than 160 minutes of engaging 3D animations and in-flight video.

Inside or Outside Your Airplane: Lights, Camera, Action!

Sporty’s offers solutions for three shortcomings encountered when shooting video with a GoPro from an airplane: propeller distortion, the inability to connect to an aviation headset, and mounting systems that don’t work in flight. With two new GoPro Kits, pilots can create high quality video both inside the airplane and outside the airplane.

sun n' fun

Sporty’s Big Tent Will be Big Fun at Sun ‘n Fun

Sporty’s expanded presence at Sun ‘n Fun continues in 2015, with its exhibit space located in outdoor space N100 in the area north of the main exhibit hangars. Sporty’s tent provides a shopping atmosphere with hundreds of products that can be touched and tried.

Sporty’s Offers Additional ATP-CTP Training from ABX Air

Since the launch in October, 2014 of one of the first FAA-approved Airline Transport Pilot Certified Training Programs (ATP-CTP), classes have been filling up quickly. Given the increased demand, additional capacity for this specialized training has been added for 2015.

The Sporty’s Foundation Issues 2014 Annual Report

Philanthropy continued with The Sporty’s Foundation during 2014 with its commitment to attract new market entrants with both pilots and technicians. The Foundation has issued its most recent Annual Report, detailing activities and bequests during 2014. The Annual Report is available online at

Sporty’s Releases New Version of Learn to Fly Course

Sporty’s continues to deliver unprecedented value and outstanding learning experiences with new content and functionality for its popular Learn to Fly Course. Nearly four hours of new high-definition video content and animations have been added along with improved features for the popular written test prep application.