Meet our amazing team.
Sporty’s was founded by a pilot over 60 years ago, and from the beginning our company has been for pilots and by pilots. Our broad experience and passion for aviation makes us uniquely qualified to offer only the finest, most unique aviation products. Before we sell a new product, every one is rigorously tested by our team of pilots in the real world of general aviation airplanes. If our panel doesn’t think a product is useful, easy-to-use and reliable, we simply won’t sell it.

Chuck Gallagher
President & CEO–Cincinnati Avionics; President & CEO–Eastern Cincinnati Aviation; Airport Manager
Ratings: Private Pilot, Multi-engine, Instrument Rating, FAA Repairman Certificate
Chuck holds the record at Sporty’s for fastest flight training program—he earned his Recreational Certificate in just two weeks. He later added a Private Certificate and an Instrument Rating. Today, he enjoys recreational flying more than anything, “whether it’s a morning flight for breakfast at a nearby airport or a trip with the family.” Chuck is the airport manager for I69 and is also the President of Cincinnati Avionics, Sporty’s on-site avionics shop. His expertise in aviation electronics and new technology is invaluable in developing and testing new products, like the SP-400 Hand-held NAV/COM.

Bret Koebbe
Senior Vice President
Ratings: Airline Transport Pilot, Cessna Citation Type Rating, Flight Instructor, Instrument Flight Instructor, Master Flight Instructor
As Sporty’s top video producer, Bret is usually flying an interesting airplane, and often with a camera rolling. “I enjoy a mix of both professional and recreational flying at Sporty’s. When instructing, I specialize in Technically Advanced Aircraft, and help pilots make the most WAAS GPS Approaches. And for fun I love taking Sporty’s 1963 Aztec out.” Bret is also known as “Mr. iPad” at Sporty’s, and is the lead tester for the latest apps and accessories for mobile devices.

Paul Jurgens
Executive Vice President, Sporty’s Academy
Ratings: Airline Transport Pilot, Seaplane Rating, Flight Instructor, Instrument Flight Instructor, Multi-engine Flight Instructor, Glider Instructor, Instrument Ground Instructor, Advanced Ground Instructor, Master Flight Instructor, Master Ground Instructor, Aircraft Dispatcher
Paul is a true aviation educator, and one of only a handful of flight instructors in the world to have earned both the Master Flight Instructor and Master Ground Instructor certifications. “I really enjoy teaching, especially in the Aztec and the Xtreme motorglider. Teaching powerless flight to an airplane pilot is a lot of fun.” Paul also teaches several classes at the University of Cincinnati’s Professional Pilot program, including weather theory. When he’s not teaching, you’ll find Paul flying an Aztec or a Cessna 182 for personal transportation.

Chris McGonegle
Director of Search Marketing
Ratings: Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rating
Chris caught the aviation bug at the age of seven when he was able to sit in the cockpit of a 737 between flight legs thanks to his aunt working at a large airline. Countless balsa wood flyers and multi stage rockets later he enrolled in the Aviation Technology Program at UC and successfully turned a fascination into a career. “One of my most memorable flights was flying my dad to a local airport with a restaurant just off the ramp known for their generously portioned ribs. I’ll never forget that day with passenger #1.” As the Product Manager at Sporty’s Pilot Shop, Chris is tasked with identifying, testing, and bringing to market new products to service the growing pilot population. “At the end of the day I search for the latest and greatest tools to help pilots fly, and ensure I keep our quality standards high. I also volunteer to test them in the cockpit. It’s a tough job…. but someone has to do it.”

Eric Radtke
Director of Aviation Media
Ratings: Airline Transport Pilot, Cessna Citation Type Rating, Boeing 727 SIC Qualification, Flight Instructor, Instrument Flight Instructor, Advanced Ground Instructor, Master Flight Instructor
It was his first airplane trip at age seven that made Eric decide to become a pilot. “While boarding the airplane, a flight attendant noticed my interest in the flight deck and urged me to go talk to the pilot. I give a lot of credit to that pilot for my career choice.” He learned to fly at Sporty’s as part of the University of Cincinnati’s Professional Pilot Program, an initiative he now directs. He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and went on to an airline career. Eric now heads Sporty’s flight school and directs the University of Cincinnati’s Professional Pilot Training Program. In addition, Eric serves as a Captain in Sporty’s corporate flight department.

Doug Ranly
Director of Aviation Products and Marketing
Ratings: Private Pilot, Instrument Rating
Doug flies because it’s fun – pure and simple. One of his favorite rituals is to get up at the crack of dawn and and go flying to find a greasy spoon at one of the many airport cafes around Sporty’s. “There’s nothing better than eating biscuits and gravy at a restaurant 70 miles away before starting your day,” says Doug. His airplane of choice is a G1000-equipped Cessna 172S. He is also Sporty’s most active product tester, and as an Eagle Scout and a US Army veteran, his standards are high. “I believe a product should work the first time right out of the box, and preferably without instructions.”

Michael Wolf
Chairman & CEO
Ratings: Commercial Pilot, Multi-engine, Instrument Rating, Cessna Citation Type Rating, Glider Rating
Michael has worked at Sporty’s for over 46 years, so he knows both Sporty’s and the aviation industry quite well. A pilot for over 35 years, aviation is Michael’s first love: “I just can’t imagine life without airplanes.” While he flies a Citation regularly, most of his time is spent in the left seat of Sporty’s Aztec. “It’s a joy to fly an airplane that’s almost 50 years old, but one that’s been meticulously maintained. It’s like stepping back in time, but I still get excellent utility out of it, for both family trips and business.”

John Zimmerman
Ratings: Commercial Pilot, Multi-engine, Instrument Rating, Helicopter Rating, Glider Rating, Seaplane Rating
John was a Sporty’s customer before he was an employee, learning to fly at a neighboring airport in Cincinnati and regularly attending Sporty’s famous hot dog cookouts. Today, he enjoys flying just about anything with wings—fixed or rotary. He regularly uses airplanes for cross-country transportation, for both business and pleasure. “I love the challenge of IFR flying in the system. It’s both challenging and immensely rewarding to manage the aircraft systems, ATC and the changing weather. Seeing the runway lights as you break out on an approach is a thrill.”

J.C. Mayerle
Director of Digital Marketing & UX
Ratings: Recreational Pilot
J.C. learned to fly at Sporty’s Academy after graduating from the University of Cincinnati, Lindner College of Business. His father is an ATP and A&P/IA, so he’s been flying in and working on airplanes with his dad since he was old enough to hand him a wrench. J.C. has worked at Sporty’s for over 5 years and says he loves every minute of it.

Chris Clarke
Media & Content Coordinator—Sporty’s Academy
Ratings: Commercial Pilot, Multi-Engine, Instrument Rating
Having a childhood dream of aviation, Chris first became an Aviation Explorer, which motivated him to earn his private pilot’s license as a teenager. During his four years at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University he earned his commercial, multi-engine certificate with an instrument rating. While experimenting in seaplanes, gliders, and a variety of other personal aircraft, Chris developed a passion for general aviation and shares that passion as he develops aviation training apps and content for Sporty’s Pilot Shop. He’s also an experienced drone pilot.