No More Dreading the “Low Battery” Warning

Dual 2.1 Amp Cigarette Lighter Adapter
Keep all your portable electronic devices charged in flight with Sporty’s pilot-tested accessories.
iPad charging accessories that belong in every flight bag
Pilots have plenty of batteries to keep charged these days, from iPads to smartphones to portable ADS-B receivers. Many of these gadgets require special high amp charging devices, and Sporty’s now offers a complete selection of pilot-tested gear to meet these needs.
The Dual 2.1 Amp Cigarette Lighter Adapter plugs into any cockpit power plug (12 or 24V) and provides two high amp USB ports. It’s ideal for charging an iPad and Stratus at the same time, and its universal design means it will work with almost any aircraft and any electronic device with a USB charging cable.
Sometimes you don’t have a cigarette lighter plug, though. For those occasions, Sporty’s offers the Backup Battery pack, with a long-lasting 16,000mAh internal battery that can increase the endurance of an iPad by 150%. With five USB ports, it also allows for multiple devices to be charged simultaneously. There’s even a built-in flashlight for backup illumination. The pack can be recharged by plugging it into any wall outlet.
Of course, neither of these accessories will work without the right cords. To make sure pilots always have a spare cable on hand, Sporty’s now offers a 3.5’ iPad/iPhone Charging Cord for the unbeatable price of $8.50. One can be left in the airplane, one in the car and one at home.
The Dual 2.1 Amp Cigarette Lighter Adapter [#7565A] is available for $14.95; the Backup Battery [#2126A] is available for $99.95; and the iPad Charging Cable [#9059A] is available for $8.50 or $5.00 each for four or more. All products may be ordered at or by phone at 1.800.SPORTYS.
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