Dipstick Removal Tool Available from Sporty’s

Dipstick Removal Tool

No more chanting ”righty-tighty, lefty-loosey”

High school-aged entrepreneurs invented this Dipstick Removal Tool as part of a class project. Its mission is simple: to free up those seemingly seized oil dipsticks. The Dipstick Removal Tool’s design only allows a counter-clockwise rotation, meaning by using it you won’t further lock the dipstick in place.

“We’ve seen here at Sporty’s Academy that some flight students feel the need to demonstrate their grip strength when tightening the dipstick,” says Sporty’s Vice President John Zimmerman. “This tool is a great solution.”

The Dipstick Removal Tool [2777A] is available for $14.95 by telephoning 1-800-SPORTYS or at sportys.com.


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Download hi-res EPS of the Dipstick Removal Tool (in use)

Download hi-res EPS of the Dipstick Removal Tool