Richard Collin's Weather Flying App

Learn Weather Flying from Richard Collins with Four New Apps

Richard Collin's Weather Flying App

Richard Collin’s Weather Flying App

iPad/iPhone app for each season provides real-world weather flying tips

Each season presents different weather scenarios general aviation pilots must face. In this four-part weather flying series, now available for iPad and iPhone, general aviation weather expert Richard Collins breaks down the challenges and opportunities for flying in seasonal weather conditions.

Richard L. Collins’ Advanced Spring Weather Flying, Advanced Summer Weather Flying, Advanced Fall Weather Flying and Advanced Winter Weather Flying present pilots with real-world flying and weather conditions. Viewers will go on actual flights with Collins to explore the relationship between forecast weather and real conditions, and how complex weather systems affect the airplane.

“There’s no one more knowledgeable about general aviation weather flying than Richard Collins,” says Sporty’s Vice President John Zimmerman. “In these apps produced from his classic videos, Richard looks a little younger, the airplanes look a little older, but the content is timeless. To my mind, these four programs are among the best material we’ve ever offered and belong in every pilot’s collection.”

Each season’s program runs from 90 to 110 minutes and is chock-full of weather information that will make you a more informed pilot. Also included in each app is a review quiz based on content from the videos. After finishing the questions, pilots will receive instant feedback on their score and be able to review missed questions. There’s even a way to quickly review the video segment from which the question is based.

Richard Collins’ Advanced Weather Flying apps are available for each of the four seasons for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Each App is $4.99 and may be ordered at

Download hi res EPS of Advanced Spring Flying App

Download hi res EPS of Advanced Summer Flying App

Download hi res EPS of Advance Fall Flying App

Download hi res EPS of Advanced Winter Flying App