Sporty’s Awards Pilot Training+ Scholarship

Former flight attendant turned student pilot earns $2,500 award as part of Sporty’s Learn to Fly Month

The daughter of a former Air Force and FedEx pilot, Kayla Collins has always been fascinated with the world of aviation. After graduating college, she worked as a flight attendant, which provided her an even deeper appreciation for the critical role the aviation system serves in the global economy. But a creative calling and a business opportunity lured Kayla away from aviation and into interior design.

“I never thought I would have the resources to pursue being a pilot,” remarked Collins. “But I’ve been working successfully in the interior design industry for more than eight years and have been able to create a stable life for my family, but there has always been a void not being in the exhilarating world of aviation.”

Kayla Collins of Charleston, SC is now the recipient of the latest $2,500 Sporty’s Pilot Training+ Scholarship award as part of Sporty’s Learn to Fly Month celebration. While working full time in her interior design business, Kayla is enrolled in Private pilot training at Charleston Flight School. Kayla’s goal is to earn her Private pilot certificate and Instrument Rating this year. She intends to pursue Commercial pilot and flight instructor training in 2024 and hopes to eventually fly for a major airline.

“Changing careers allows me to challenge myself as a professional and also provides the opportunity to pursue my dream of becoming a pilot while taking care of my family,” said Collins. “I am taking a huge leap of faith that my investment will pay off and earning the scholarship is a huge help in my aviation pursuit.”

Kayla has accumulated about 15 flight hours, training at least twice per week, and recently flew her first solo flight. She is utilizing Sporty’s online Learn to Fly Course as her ground school and flight preparation resources available to her as a Sporty’s Pilot Training+ member.

Sporty’s Pilot Training+ is an all-inclusive membership that unlocks Sporty’s complete library of award-winning video-based courses for one annual fee. Membership also includes the opportunity to apply for three, $2,500 scholarships awarded annually.

It’s easy to enroll as a Sporty’s Pilot Training+ member by visiting

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