The Sporty’s Foundation Releases its Annual Report for 2017

Foundation continues its work encouraging young people to join the aviation community

The Sporty’s Foundation 2017 Annual Report

The Sporty’s Foundation made bequests totaling $284,900 during 2017 to fulfill its goal to attract young people to the aviation community both as a career and a lifestyle. The Foundation has issued its most recent Annual Report, detailing activities and bequests during 2017 and may be seen online at

The Sporty’s Foundation remains among the largest donors to EAA’s successful Young Eagles program, both from a financial commitment as well as by making Sporty’s award-winning Learn to Fly course available at no charge to all Young Eagles. The number of Young Eagles who have accessed this course recently surpassed 50,000.

The Sporty’s Foundation has as its focus STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) activities and has funded numerous scholarships during 2017. During 2017 The Sporty’s Foundation also assumed total responsibility for funding the scholarships for Aviation Exploring.

“We invite our donors and potential donors to examine our IRS Form 990 which will show that not one cent is paid for administrative costs for our Foundation – these costs are assumed by Sporty’s Pilot Shop – which means 100 percent of every donated dollar goes to program, not overhead,” says  Sporty’s Founder and Chairman Hal Shevers.

Online contributions are being accepted, either as a one-time payment or a recurring monthly donation. As a 501(c)3 foundation, all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. For more information on The Sporty’s Foundation, visit



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