Come Back to Sporty’s Big Tent at Sun ‘n Fun
Pilot Shop relocates to Lakeland for a week
Sporty’s big tent will be busy at Sun ‘n Fun in 2016, with Sporty’s Pilot Shop temporarily moved from Batavia to Lakeland for the week. Located north of the main exhibit hangars in outdoor space N100, Sporty’s tent provides a shopping hub with hundreds of products that can be touched and tried. Product experts and Sporty’s pilots will be on hand to give product details and answer any questions. In addition, Sporty’s flight instructors will make themselves available in a Learn to Fly department of the tent to discuss flight training.
A customer favorite – a headset demo station – makes a return appearance in Sporty’s 1200-square foot tent. Here customers can make side-by-side comparisons of headsets to test for fit and comfort. Of course, headset experts are on hand to help comparison shop. The usual favorite products – cockpit video cameras, GPSs, Flight Gear bags, RAM mounts, iPad accessories and more – will be available for inspection.
“One product that interests many pilots is our award-winning Stratus,” says Sporty’s Vice President John Zimmerman. “We’ll have one operating, with all the time in the world to answer questions from pilots.”
In short, Sporty’s big tent is an interactive shopping experience. Customers are encouraged to touch, inspect and ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere.
“And what’s a show without amazing prices and show specials?” asks Zimmerman. “Come by our tent and find a great buy on quality aviation products.”
Sporty’s Forums, Too
Sporty’s staff will present these forums:
- Thursday, April 7 at 9 am – 10 things every iPad pilot should know presented by Bret Koebbe
- Thursday, April 7 at 10 am – Advanced ForeFlight and Stratus Tips presented by John Zimmerman
- Friday, April 8 at 9 am – ADS-B In and Out: A Pilot’s Guide by John Zimmerman
- Friday, April 8 at 1 pm – So you want to fly drones presented by John Zimmerman with aviation attorney Jonathan Rupprecht
“We know it’s supposed to be Spring Break for Pilots, but these forums are fun and interactive and we make learning easy,” says Zimmerman. “We look forward to meeting and greeting thousands of Sporty’s devoted customers.”
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