Stratus ADS-B Receiver Adds New Weather, Attitude Features

Appareo, ForeFlight and Sporty’s continue upgrade program

With ForeFlight version 6.0, Stratus 2 pilots can now view in-flight weather and backup attitude information side-by-side.

With ForeFlight version 6.0, Stratus 2 pilots can now view in-flight weather and backup attitude information side-by-side.

Stratus, the best-selling ADS-B receiver in aviation, has received three significant enhancements from partners Appareo, ForeFlight and Sporty’s. A split screen attitude view, animated radar and the iPad battery-saving Stratus Replay feature are all available as a free update for Stratus 2 owners.

Stratus Replay nearly doubles the effective battery life of an iPad by allowing pilots to turn off the screen between uses. When the screen is turned on again, Stratus automatically sends ForeFlight Mobile any ADS-B weather that was missed, including radar, METARs and PIREPs. This is particularly helpful for long flight segments and it also allows pilots to switch to other apps without missing important weather data. Conveniently, there’s nothing for the pilot to do–it’s completely automatic.

Animated radar adds an important safety feature for pilots flying in convective weather, allowing them to monitor the trend in NEXRAD radar images. By simply tapping the play button on ForeFlight’s map page, pilots can loop the previous 30 minutes of both regional and national radar and help determine a cell’s direction and energy. Combined with Stratus Replay, animated radar offers a powerful decision-making tool.

The Stratus built-in Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) has proven to be a popular feature with pilots, delivering backup attitude information to the iPad–complete with pitch, bank, groundspeed, track and altitude. Now this data can be displayed right in ForeFlight, with a glass cockpit-style split screen view. The attitude indicator updates multiple times per second so it moves smoothly, and it can be used in either portrait or landscape mode. Now pilots can view ADS-B weather, traffic, moving map and attitude all on the same screen.

“We’ve always focused on how Stratus works, not just what it does,” says Sporty’s Vice President John Zimmerman. “These recent enhancements continue our commitment to making Stratus a reliable, easy-to-use tool that pilots can trust on every flight.”

To access these new features, pilots should first download ForeFlight version 6.0, available soon in the App Store. This includes new Stratus firmware, which pilots can update directly from ForeFlight. There is no charge for the upgrade.

Stratus 2 [#8217A] is available for $899.00 and may be ordered by calling 1.800.SPORTYS or visiting

Split screen in ForeFlight with Stratus

Stratus 2 In Hand



High resolution pictures for print:

Download hi-res EPS of Sporty’s Stratus Split Screen Landscape

Download hi-res EPS of Sporty’s Stratus Split Screen Portrait

Download hi-res EPS of Sporty’s Stratus in Hand